Sunday 04/08/2007 - 10:09:21 pm
Posted By: Nadia

Easter with Grammy and Blue Pa Pa

My cousins Madison and Chris were there, and they kept me entertained while they hunted for Easter eggs. I hope that one day Madison and I will be BFF, playing and doing girly things. She takes some interest in me, but until I can walk she just looks down on me, literally that is.
For lunch the big people ate ham, potato casserole, green beans, sweet potatoes, and cherry cheesecake. All I got was some lousy Cheerios, and a taste of Dad's sweet potatoes. Since I'm getting a couple of teeth in now, I hope to be eating big people food pretty soon. I enjoy trying new foods, but will say that I don't like everything Mom and Dad tries to feed me. Just say "ewwwww" to sweet peas, not good at all!