Blogs Posted During 04/2007
Saturday 04/21/2007 - 9:34:07 am
Posted By: Jonathan

"A Day In The Life" Released

Nadia and I had a great time filming this, and have enjoyed the response we've received so far for the preview video on the motorcycle. I hope you enjoy the video, you can view it by clicking the following link:
A Day In The Life
And as always, Nadia loves to read your comments!
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Sunday 04/08/2007 - 10:09:21 pm
Posted By: Nadia

Easter with Grammy and Blue Pa Pa

My cousins Madison and Chris were there, and they kept me entertained while they hunted for Easter eggs. I hope that one day Madison and I will be BFF, playing and doing girly things. She takes some interest in me, but until I can walk she just looks down on me, literally that is.
For lunch the big people ate ham, potato casserole, green beans, sweet potatoes, and cherry cheesecake. All I got was some lousy Cheerios, and a taste of Dad's sweet potatoes. Since I'm getting a couple of teeth in now, I hope to be eating big people food pretty soon. I enjoy trying new foods, but will say that I don't like everything Mom and Dad tries to feed me. Just say "ewwwww" to sweet peas, not good at all!
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Friday 04/06/2007 - 10:15:18 pm
Posted By: Nadia

Welcome to Raising Nadia

My name is Nadia Jewel Warren, and I entered this world on August 28, 2006. I allow Jack Black, LeAnn Rimes, Jason Priestly, and Shania Twain to call this day their birthday as well. My Dad says 8/28/06 is a good even number, he has something against odd numbers.
In my upcoming blogs I'll let you know how my first seven months of life have gone and the scoop on day to day events. I plan on sharing lots of photos and videos. Actually, my Mom and Dad will help me with that as I don't quite know how to resize images yet.
Thanks for reading my first blog post, and I hope you enjoy the site. I look forward to reading your comments, and sharing my life with you.
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